About Carol

Carol Holaday
I was born in Lubbock, TX and share my family tree with the sleeping prophet, Edgar Cayce, through my great grandmother Edna Brown. A 1988 graduate of Texas Tech University and certified teacher, artist and writer, I have long been interested in the magical aspects of folk craft traditions, particularly those that involve crystals and minerals. I als am an avid lover of science fiction, fantasy and young adult fiction.

I’ve written many articles on the spiritual and magical uses of crystals and stones for the international monthly online magazine, Planetlightworker, for whom I also wrote an exclusive monthly forecast called the Crystal Star Oracle. My first book, Crafting a Magical Life: Manifesting Your Heart's Desire Through Creative Projects, was published by Findhorn Press in 2009. 

Right now I live in San Diego, California with my Bunnyhunny and a rotten Yorkie, where I write for myself, edit books for others, help people develop their social media machines, edit Kdrama subtitles for fun and ride my pink scooter everywhere I can. From that last sentence, you've probably deduced that I don't get bored.