Make It So Project – Week 2

During the previous week we were all supposed to be making a list of the things we desire to bring into our lives and be ready to start working on them this week, so I made a list of three things I desire to bring into my reality and decided on a different method I could use to work with each one.

The three things I desire to create in my life right now are the right work for me, tickets for my son and daughter to come to San Diego for Christmas and extra Christmas spending money.

In considering the biggest project, which is my work, I decided that I would work with prayer beads over time, and I made a list of my current career goals:

Writing or writing related
Part time at home
Engaging and fun
Suited to my personality
A consistent income of $3000 or more per month, or more

In making my list I also remembered to avoid negative statements that point to anything I might NOT want because the universe doesn’t discriminate between want and not want. It sends you what you focus on, so if you worry about something you are focusing energy on it and will likely attract the very thing you don’t want. In my list I stuck to the positives.

Then I composed sentences containing my desires until I found a structure that sounded and felt right to me. This is what I ended up with:

“I call to myself work that I can do from home part time that is fun and engaging, suits my personality, involves writing, and consistently pays me $3000 per month or more, OR SOMETHING EVEN BETTER!”

I always add “or something even better” because that allows the universe to step in and provide me with something even more wonderful and perfect than what I had envisioned.

Working with prayer beads on a major long-term goal like this is pretty simple and involves creating a daily routine where you make the statement a number of times using beads as counters. You can make your own set of beads with colors or crystals that have meaning to you or you can use a rosary or other strand of beads for this. You could even knot cord or rope to make prayer knots.

In using the beads you generally start with the statement on a main bead. Then on the next bead another statement like, “I am worthy of having good things come into my life.” On the next bead maybe you would say something like, “I am ready to receive all the best the universe has to offer.” And then you move on to the most important statement, which is, “Thank you.” I like to say thank you’s in threes, “Thank you. Thank you. THANK YOU!”

There is an old saying, “The third time’s the charm,” and I believe there is power in doing something at least three times to send a clear message to the universe. So I recommend you make the statements and thank you’s at least three times each time you sit down with your beads. You can make the statements as many times as you want in one sitting, though it makes sense to keep it fairly short so you will be more willing to keep doing it over time.

My second manifesting project is airline tickets for my son and daughter to come to San Diego for Christmas. Without cash flow to buy airline tickets I could have given up and planned to spend Christmas alone, but I know that the universe will give me what I attract so I decided to go for it and use visual cues to attract the plane tickets we require. So I found an image of an airplane, copied it several times into a word document, printed the page and then cut the airplanes out.

I wrote my son and daughter’s names on the plane and printed underneath their names, “Destination San Diego, Christmas Holidays 2010, OR SOMETHING EVEN BETTER.” Then I taped the airplanes around the house in places where I will see them often. Each time I see one I stop and say out loud (or in my head if people are around), “Thank you that my children have round trip tickets to San Diego to spend the Christmas Holidays with me, OR SOMETHING EVEN BETTER (What if the universe wanted to send all of us to Hawaii for Christmas? You never know . . .).

By placing the images in locations where I will see them often I am frequently reminded to be grateful for what is coming and to say thank you, to send the message to the universe that my children have tickets to come out for the Christmas holidays, or something even better, of course.

And the third thing I am choosing to attract is money for Christmas, for gifts, for going places and doing things, and to cover any financial shortfall related to my husband’s job, as in the past we have had occasional gaps in income right at Christmas time due to work slowdowns.

For this I decided to use a technique taught to me by Katie Gallanti that involves accessing possibility and creating a symbol to which you feed your light and love.

The way this works is you grab a pencil and a piece of paper and then close your eyes and imagine that you are sending a ray of light from your heart center up into the heavens into a plane of light that where everything is possible. Once there you state what it is you desire to create and ask for a symbol to represent your creation. The symbol that comes to mind may be very practical and descriptive or it may appear to be totally unrelated. Leave aside your judgment of whatever comes. Just study it in your mind, say thank you, and bring the symbol back into your heart center. Then take a moment to draw what you saw, to the best of your ability.

From there you can use the technique I described above, with the airplanes, or you can place the symbol, using your imagination, in the area appropriate to your creation. For example if you were seeking $500 for a project you could imagine placing the symbol inside your purse or wallet, and every time you open it you imagine the symbol floating inside it and imagine sending it a beam of love and light. You might even say thank you for whatever the symbol represents.

I used this technique when we wanted to move into a bigger store space but didn’t have the money to move. I imagined my symbol hanging in the middle of the empty store space I wanted and every time I passed it I fed it love and light and imagined myself in the space putting out my crystals and stones on glass shelves. Within two weeks the property manager called me to ask if I wanted to move into the space and offered to spread the extra costs involved over several months to make it possible.

Now you have three ways you can attract the things you desire into your life. You can also use your imagination to create your own technique. The important things to remember are positive wording, regular positive attention and gratitude. And always remember to add, “or something even better.”

Have a great week manifesting. You may find that you attract some things very quickly, which is great and I would love to hear about them through your posts to this blog or on my Facebook fan page, Carol Holaday Online.